Regina Windy Flyers Membership

Welcome to the Regina Windy Flyers webpage. If you are new to the RC hobby and looking to learn to fly we will strongly encourage you to join our club, or any other RC club that offers flight training. It is by far the the best way to enter the hobby, by joining it will most likely save you time, frustration and possible needless expenses for repairs. We are here to help you get started, answer your questions, provide guidance and make aero modeling a hobby and sport that will be safe and fun. If you are an experienced pilot then you most likely already know of the great benefit of joining an organized RC club.

Joining the Regina Windy Flyers gives you the benefit of full unlimited access to our flying field and all of our facilities. We also offer free flight training to pilots, we will assist you learning to fly until you graduate to a level that you can fly confidently and safe without the assistance of a instructor. If at any time following that you need assistance to learn some advanced aerobatics, test fly a new aircraft or just need some general help, the flight instructors will always be willing to assist you.

Membership in Model Aeronautics Association of Canada is a requirement for joining Regina Windy Flyers, they provide you with liability insurance as well as providing insurance to our club. This is a requirement for all members whether they fly or use the facilities for any club accepted purpose. They also distribute a bimonthly magazine to all members and work with the government and other organizations to protect our frequencies and fields.

Rob and Planes
Beginner and Plane

Becoming a Member is Easy!

Joining the Regina Windy Flyers is easy. Your paid membership will automatically get you full member privileges in the Regina Windy Flyers, unlimited access to the flying field and all of our facilities. MAAC membership is a requirement for all club members before any flying or use of any of the facilities may take place.

Membership Fees.

Regina Windy Flyers membership is available in a full year effective from January 1st to December 31st of each year or half year effective from August 1st to December 31st. The rights of membership shall terminate on December 31 of each year. All club members will still be accepted as paid members until the March meeting of the following year although no field use privileges are granted until becoming fully paid for the year. Field use privileges require membership in MAAC (Model Aeronautics Association of Canada)

1st – Complete your MAAC membership, using the links below (they will take you to the secure M.A.A.C web site). RWF membership will be processed once paid MAAC membership is verified.

2nd – For RWF membership download and complete the RWF Membership Application found below. Then attach the PDF file to an email and send to(

Optionally you may download and complete the RWF Membership Application found below, once it is complete you may print it out. Then send your RWF form to the RWF mailing address found below.

Payment may be made by E-transfer to ( or by sending a cheque or money order to the RWF mailing address. (cheque payable to Regina Windy Flyers), once received you will receive a receipt and membership card by email (after MAAC membership has been verified).

Regina Windy Flyers 2025 Membership Fees

Membership Valid January 1st till December 31st of 2025


$20.00 – Junior membership

$175.00 – Open membership

$97.50 – Senior membership

Late Season / Half Year Membership

Membership Valid August 1st till December 31st of 2025

$10.00 – Junior membership

$87.50 – Open membership

$47.25 – Senior membership

Family Membership Fees.

Any paid “Open” Club Member that has dependent children who are under 18 years of age as of Jan 1st may have them join for $10.00 each for a full season.

Regina Windy Flyers Age Definitions.

Junior – Under 18 years of age as of January 1st for the year membership is submitted to RWF.

Open – 18 years of age or older as of January 1st for the year membership is submitted to RWF.

Senior – 65 years of age or older or will be 65 during the calandar year that membership fees are being submitted for to RWF.

Membership Payment and Submission.

Payment may be made by E-transfer to ( and the form to ( or by sending a cheque or money order along with the form to the RWF mailing address. (cheque payable to Regina Windy Flyers), once received you will receive a receipt and membership card by email (after MAAC membership has been verified).

Flying privileges require membership in MAAC (Model Aeronautics Association of Canada) This must be verified before RWF Membership is valid.

NOTE: Completed RWF form required each year for renewal purposes. Please forward form with fees to.

46 Fines Drive
Regina, Sask.
S4N 5K5

M.A.A.C FEES (GST Not Included) - 2025

Introductory membership $30.00

Open $95 per year or $250 for three years

Spousal/Common-law $50 per year

Junior $25 per year

Fees shown above do not include applicable GST or HST
All memberships expire at the end of the calendar year.
Bi-monthly publication is supplied to members commencing at renewal or date joined
Membership expires December 31st each year. Members joining midyear or later may wish to wait until September 1st for a 16-month membership option.
Join Online at

Many Reasons To Join A Club

Joining a club is a great investment in the hobby. If you are a new pilot it is by far the best way to learn with the assistance of experienced pilots. It generally means you learn faster, better and with considerably less frustration than attempting to learn on your own. For experienced pilots RWF provides you with a great facility where you may fly any time you want legally without trespassing on private property or flying off busy roads. Plus there are many other benefits' a club brings to its members.

We would enjoy having you as a new member, its always great to have new faces in the club. The club is a great way to learn to fly, learn more about the hobby and make some good friend's. Many of our members have been in the club for many years and have made friends with other members that now go farther than just friends at the field. The club is a great group of people to fly with as well as sit out at the field and socialize, talk airplanes or go for coffee after a day of flying. Come on out for a visit I am sure you will meet some friendly faces.


Interested In Joining RWF?

The flying season generally runs from when the snow melts in the spring and the field is accessable to either walk from the clubhouse area or once the field dries enough we may drive to the onfield parking area. Flying then continues for most until fall season and the cold and possibly snow begin to fly. At that time the majority of pilots no longer fly so we do recommend that late in the season if you are looking at joining that you wait until January 1st of the coming season, that way your membership is good for a full year.